Friday, 16 September 2011

Visiting Sofia

St Alexander Nevski Cathedral
Sofia, Bulgaria's capital since 1879 has many hidden surprises for its visitors and we were very fortunate to be guided around by our Bulgarian friends: Ana, Miglena and Veselin.
Surprises included the very beautiful interior of the Boyana Church, the fossil museum on the top floor of the University, the Russian Church, and wonderful Trojan treasures within the Museum of Archaeology. 
Art museums are always on my priority visit lists and I was not dissapointed in the National Art Museum.  Artists of note were Zahari Zograf, Boris Elisseev, Vladimir Dimitrov (The Master), and the favorite for me Nenko Balkanski (1907-1977).  His painting "Family", 1936 shows a starving couple with no hope and no food - but through this hardship there was a slight smile on his face - was it love?
Public-private investment is much needed in the monuments and museums of Sofia to modernise lighting and ambient conditions for their beautiful works of art - however I guess that the economic hardships of the country in general leave this task low on the priority list.

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