Saturday, 26 March 2011

Premeditated Expressionism

Stretching beyond the boundaries of one`s ability to produce original and creative artwork can be frustrating, exhilirating and rewarding all in one.
Searching for ideas has never been a problem for me however taking those ideas from the unconscious to the conscious mind and then onto paper or canvas is for me one of the most difficult and exciting parts of my life as an artist.
I am currently working on a new series of paintings based on the life of a fisherman who is treated as an outcast by his village.  The work will be painted in acrylics using related objects and a set palette to represent moods and repetitive themes.
Expressionism has been described as an art form that is not premeditated.  I like to paint in an expressive way but one that uses all the ideas, feelings, research, colours and moods that have been building up inside me to explode on the canvas or paper:  "premeditated expressionism"?
Whether I have in fact extended the boundaries of my ability and creativity to produce a series of work that could in this case be labelled "expressionistic", I will leave up to expert critics when the series is released.

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