Friday, 11 May 2012

On The Easel - May 2012

This Portrait of Ella is a specific portrait commision based on a two photos - one a very stylised photograph that my client liked and another that was taken of her niece.  The portrait painted in oils is in its final stages now.  I wish to make it more photographic and have started to introduce some glazes on top of the original grisaille.
Also on the easel this month is the final painting for my Erwartung Series previously featured in this blog.
I have been hampered by a recent move of my office and studio.  I now have more natural light to work in and the option of painting on a patio alongside my studio.  The patio is like an atrium and therefore has plenty of light but not direct.
May/June will see the start of a new portrait commision of a bulldog and further work on my limited editions.

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